FUN Membership
You will start by buying membership "kuukausijäsenyys" from our website
FUN membership is an ongoing contract.
Monthly Membership is an open-ended contract and You will get the bill to your email address. So in the future, if you want to quit your membership, you should write to us an email.
You can also order an invoice to Your internetbank, Find FUN Oulu Talvikangas (EF Corporations Oy) and use your customer number (you will find it from the first invoice).
You will also find your invoices from our webshop
There is in the right corner yourown name and under that you will find "omat tiedot" and there you can check your invoices.
How to download and use FUN app?
You can download our app called liikuntakeskus fun from your app store (iphone) or Playstore (android). Please use the same username and password as you did when You ordered membership.
With the FUN app you will open the door and safety gate and also book your group exercise classes.
Using different FUN gym with your FUN app
1. open "omat tiedot" from downmenu
2. press kirjaudu ulos
3. press kirjaudu sisään
4. select from top witch kuntosali (gym) You want to go.
If Yoy have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, we are happy to help!
e-mail address: